Winter Derby Round 8

Round 8 Roger (5 Color Legends)
2-6 (5-12 in games)
Roger was on a 5 color legends deck. He was packing Karakas along with a lot of the bigger Legends cards like Stangg and Sol’kanar.

Game 1 we built up lands and I countered a couple of his ramp spells and creatures. I eventually cast Balance to wipe his board and kill a bunch of lands. I forgot about Karakas though, and he bounced his Stangg leaving him with no creatures on board, and I had to sacrifice my Serra Angel. However, I played out an Azure Drake and started beating with it, and it was eventually joined by a second Azure Drake. I proceeded to counter his kill spells, and creatures, and the Drakes took the game.

Game 2 I kept a risky hand. I had 2 Islands, but I also had Ancestral Recall. I cast it and saw a Felwar Stone and a Mox Sapphire which helped me to ramp up. I eventually got a Mishra’s Factory, and Azure Drake out, and started attacking. He killed the Drake, and I followed up with Serra Angel. He played out a Sir Shandlar of Eberyn and passed. I peeled a land, which brought me to 8 mana, and allowed me to cast Earthquake for 7, which also happened to be his life total.

All in all, my deck worked exactly how it was supposed to work. I was able to counter the spells I was worried about, and stick a creature or 2 to chip away at his life. I brought the Earthquake in from the sideboard along with a pair of Blue Elemental Blasts. 1 of the BEBs hit a Sol’kanar, and the Earthquake closed out the game. Roger was a cool guy, and we talked more about his deck afterwards. It is a cool deck, but the mana base was a bit rough.


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